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Sweet Home 3D crashes when I want to edit preferences, print, create a photo or create a video. What can I do?
This issue happens mostly on a few Linux computers when Sweet Home 3D checks whether computing offscreen 3D images is supported by Java 3D on your computer. This feature is required to compute the top view of furniture in the plan, to print the 3D view and to manage the two lowest photo and video quality levels. If Sweet Home 3D detects offscreen 3D images aren't supported by your system, it automatically disables the features based on it, but sometimes, the detection test itself makes Sweet Home 3D crash! To launch a version of Sweet Home 3D which avoids this test and disables the features depending on offscreen 3D images, add the Java option -Dcom.eteks.sweethome3d.j3d.checkOffScreenSupport=false to the java command in Linux SweetHome3D script, or click on this Java Web Start link.
做法:sudo leafpad /usr/bin/sweethome3d
最后一行改成这样:"$JAVA_EXEC" -Dcom.eteks.sweethome3d.j3d.checkOffScreenSupport=false -jar /usr/share/java/sweethome3d.jar "$APP_ARGS" "$@"
最近编辑记录 roadgo (2016-05-07 21:39:51)
页次: 1