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libinput list-devices 对于触摸板有一项
Device: FocalTechPS/2 FocalTech Touchpad
Kernel: /dev/input/event8
Group: 10
Seat: seat0, default
Size: 69x50mm
Capabilities: pointer gesture
Tap-to-click: disabled
Tap-and-drag: enabled
Tap drag lock: disabled
Left-handed: disabled
Nat.scrolling: disabled
Middle emulation: disabled
Calibration: n/a
Scroll methods: *two-finger edge
Click methods: *button-areas clickfinger
Disable-w-typing: enabled
Accel profiles: none
Rotation: n/a
怎么改这些 enable/disable ?
我看 man libinput 好像没有? 不想用 gestures,那个算是手势。
Configuration tool provided by your desktop environment 是什么鬼,不考虑没有的了吗。。。
Tap-to-click 轻触视为点击
Tap-and-drag 连续两次轻触并摁住视为拖动
Tap drag lock 在一定时间内抬起然后重新摁下不视为拖动结束(一般人应该不太习惯吧,有些需要长距离拖动的情况,速度又不大的话)
With drag lock disabled, lifting the finger will stop any drag process. When enabled, libinput will ignore a finger up event during a drag process, provided the finger is set down again within a implementation-specific timeout.
Left-handed 左手模式(交换按键顺序)。。。
Nat scrolling 自然滚动(手指往上移动是往下滚,往下移动是往上滚),习惯用双指的话一般更习惯自然滚动吧
Middle emulation 同时摁下左右键视为摁下中键(触控版应该没用吧)
Scroll methods 滚动方式,双指或者边缘
Click methods 点击方式,button-area是把触控版底部分成左中右三个区域每个区域是一个键,clickfinger是单指左键,双指右键,三指中键
// 如果你是用中键复制的话强烈建议不要用area,误触太爽
disable-w-typing: 打字时禁用,防误触
accel 速度,-1到1,flat,adaptive几种选择
Pointer acceleration is a function to convert input deltas to output deltas, usually based on the movement speed of the device, see Pointer acceleration for details.
Pointer acceleration is normalized into a [-1, 1] range, where -1 is “slowest” and 1 is “fastest”. Most devices use a default speed of 0.
The pointer acceleration profile defines how the input deltas are converted, see Pointer acceleration profiles. Most devices have their default profile (usually called “adaptive”) and a “flat” profile. The flat profile does not apply any acceleration.
rotation 滚动(没用过)
man 4 libinput ?
如果是wayland的话那么这个需要你的de/wm提供,不然你就在bashrc之类的地方里面写xinput set-prop(1)
1: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Li … ation_file
最近编辑记录 yw662 (2018-10-27 16:21:55)
通过 xinput 这个命令来设置,
xinput list-props <device id>
xinput set-prop <device id> <prop name> args...
页次: 1