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下面这段函数通过使用 libmad 库来播放 MP3, 程序可以运行。现在想做图形界面(QT),想用线程来实现播放和暂停,但一直都没能成功。求解答,到底该在哪里创建线程?
* libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* $Id: minimad.c,v 1.4 2004/01/23 09:41:32 rob Exp $
# include <stdio.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/mman.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <linux/soundcard.h>
# include "mad.h"
* This is perhaps the simplest example use of the MAD high-level API.
* Standard input is mapped into memory via mmap(),
* then the high-level API
* is invoked with three callbacks: input, output, and error. The output
* callback converts MAD's high-resolution PCM samples to 16 bits, then
* writes them to standard output in little-endian, stereo-interleaved
* format.
* 以帧的形式写入
#define BUFSIZE (8*1024)
struct buffer {
FILE *fp;
unsigned int flen;
unsigned int fpos;
unsigned char fbuf[BUFSIZE];
unsigned int fbsize;
//static int decode(unsigned char const *, unsigned long);
static int decode(struct buffer*);
int sounded;
unsigned int prerate = 0;
int write_dsp(int c)
return write(sounded,(char*)&c,1);
void set_dsp()
int format = AFMT_S16_LE;
int channels = 2;
sounded = open("/dev/dsp",O_WRONLY);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
long flen, fsta, fend;
int dlen;
struct buffer* mp3fp;
if (argc != 2)
return 1;
mp3fp = (struct buffer*)malloc(sizeof(struct buffer));
mp3fp->fp = fopen(argv[1],"r+");
printf("Can't open source file .\n");
return 2;
fsta = ftell(mp3fp->fp);
fend = ftell(mp3fp->fp);
flen = fend - fsta;
mp3fp->fbsize = BUFSIZE;
mp3fp->fpos = BUFSIZE;
mp3fp->flen = flen;
return 0;
* This is a private message structure. A generic pointer to this structure
* is passed to each of the callback functions. Put here any data you need
* to access from within the callbacks.
* This is the input callback. The purpose of this callback is to (re)fill
* the stream buffer which is to be decoded. In this example, an entire file
* has been mapped into memory, so we just call mad_stream_buffer() with the
* address and length of the mapping. When this callback is called a second
* time, we are finished decoding.
static enum mad_flow input(void *data,
struct mad_stream *stream)
struct buffer *buffer = data;
int ret_code;
int unproc_data_size; //未解压的数据
int copy_size;
if (buffer->fpos <= buffer->flen)
unproc_data_size = stream->bufend - stream->next_frame;
//fbsize = BUFSIZE,表示fbuf的长度
copy_size = BUFSIZE - unproc_data_size;
if(buffer->fpos + copy_size > buffer->flen)
copy_size = buffer->flen - buffer->fpos;
fread(buffer->fbuf + unproc_data_size,1,copy_size,buffer->fp);
buffer->fbsize = unproc_data_size + copy_size;
buffer->fpos += copy_size;
ret_code = MAD_FLOW_STOP;
return ret_code;
* The following utility routine performs simple rounding, clipping, and
* scaling of MAD's high-resolution samples down to 16 bits. It does not
* perform any dithering or noise shaping, which would be recommended to
* obtain any exceptional audio quality. It is therefore not recommended to
* use this routine if high-quality output is desired.
static inline signed int scale(mad_fixed_t sample)
/* round */
sample += (1L << (MAD_F_FRACBITS - 16));
/* clip */
if (sample >= MAD_F_ONE)
sample = MAD_F_ONE - 1;
else if (sample < -MAD_F_ONE)
sample = -MAD_F_ONE;
/* quantize */
return sample >> (MAD_F_FRACBITS + 1 - 16);
* This is the output callback function. It is called after each frame of
* MPEG audio data has been completely decoded. The purpose of this callback
* is to output (or play) the decoded PCM audio.
static enum mad_flow output(void *data,
struct mad_header const *header,
struct mad_pcm *pcm)
unsigned int nchannels, nsamples;
unsigned int rate;
mad_fixed_t const *left_ch, *right_ch;
/* pcm->samplerate contains the sampling frequency */
rate = pcm->samplerate;
nchannels = pcm->channels;
nsamples = pcm->length;
left_ch = pcm->samples[0];
right_ch = pcm->samples[1];
if(rate != prerate)
prerate = rate;
while (nsamples--) {
signed int sample;
/* output sample(s) in 16-bit signed little-endian PCM */
sample = scale(*left_ch++);
write_dsp((sample >> 0) & 0xff);
write_dsp((sample >> 8) & 0xff);
if (nchannels == 2) {
sample = scale(*right_ch++);
write_dsp((sample >> 0) & 0xff);
write_dsp((sample >> 8) & 0xff);
* This is the error callback function. It is called whenever a decoding
* error occurs. The error is indicated by stream->error; the list of
* possible MAD_ERROR_* errors can be found in the mad.h (or stream.h)
* header file.
static enum mad_flow error(void *data,
struct mad_stream *stream,
struct mad_frame *frame)
struct buffer *buffer = data;
fprintf(stderr, "decoding error 0x%04x (%s) at byte offset %u\n",
stream->error, mad_stream_errorstr(stream),
stream->this_frame - buffer->fbuf);
/* return MAD_FLOW_BREAK here to stop decoding (and propagate an error) */
* This is the function called by main() above to perform all the decoding.
* It instantiates a decoder object and configures it with the input,
* output, and error callback functions above. A single call to
* mad_decoder_run() continues until a callback function returns
* MAD_FLOW_STOP (to stop decoding) or MAD_FLOW_BREAK (to stop decoding and
* signal an error).
//int decode(unsigned char const *start, unsigned long length)
static int decode(struct buffer* mp3fp)
struct mad_decoder decoder;
int result;
/* configure input, output, and error functions */
mad_decoder_init(&decoder, mp3fp,
input, 0 /* header */, 0 /* filter */, output,
error, 0 /* message */);
/* start decoding */
result = mad_decoder_run(&decoder, MAD_DECODER_MODE_SYNC);
/* release the decoder */
return result;
最近编辑记录 jouyouyun (2012-08-22 18:18:36)
不会 qt 也不会放歌。更不知道你遇到的问题到底是什么。开个 qt 的线程去放歌呗,有什么问题么?
我是用QT做界面,用上面的代码来播放。界面中的 play 按钮的动作连接到这里面的 main(按照上面的代码,QT中会改名) 函数,调用 decode 函数来播放。 input 函数解码, ouput 函数把解出的码写入到 /dev/dsp 设备中,以此来播放歌曲。 decode 中 mad_decoder_init 函数来回调 input、output、err,根据 input、 output 的返回值来决定是否循环调用。返回值为 MAD_FLOW_CONTINUE 表示循环调用。
找到了,在 main 中创建线程调用 decode() 函数,把关闭 文件描述符 的操作移到 input 函数里去(放在 else 里面)。
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