页次: 1
windows host virtualbox虚拟机,
强制重启后,plasma6 sddm wayland 输入密码后黑屏无反应;选择x11可以正常进系统,无任何问题;
journalctl -b
4月 16 09:43:46 myarch systemd[1]: systemd-hostnamed.service: Deactivated successfully.
4月 16 09:43:48 myarch plasmashell[688]: file:///usr/share/plasma/shells/org.kde.plasma.desktop/contents/configuration/PanelConfiguration.qml:519:9: QML SpinBox: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth"
4月 16 09:43:48 myarch plasmashell[688]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.panel/contents/ui/ConfigOverlay.qml:326:17: QML SpinBox: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth"
4月 16 09:43:48 myarch plasmashell[688]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.panel/contents/ui/ConfigOverlay.qml:288: TypeError: Cannot read property 'applet' of null
4月 16 09:43:48 myarch plasmashell[688]: kf.plasma.quick: Exposed with no visual parent. Window positioning broken.
4月 16 09:43:49 myarch plasmashell[688]: kf.plasma.quick: Exposed with no visual parent. Window positioning broken.
4月 16 09:43:50 myarch plasmashell[688]: kf.plasma.quick: Exposed with no visual parent. Window positioning broken.
4月 16 09:43:53 myarch plasmashell[688]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.panel/contents/ui/main.qml:88: TypeError: Cannot read property 'index' of null
内核:linux-zen 6.8.5-zen1-1-zen
host cpu:R7-7840HS
host GPU:核显780m
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