
#1 2016-02-14 17:51:29

注册时间: 2016-01-23
帖子: 41


systemctl start goagent后,提示代理服务器拒绝连接
sudo -u nobody python2 /usr/share/goagent/local/goagent
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:39:22] Load Crypto.Cipher.ARC4 Failed, Use Pure Python Instead.
GoAgent Version    : 3.2.3 (python/2.7.1 gevent/1.0.2 pyopenssl/0.15.1)
Listen Address     :
GAE Mode           : https (TLSv1)
GAE APPID          : xxxxxx|gmail.com
Pac Server         :
Pac File           : file:///usr/share/goagent/local/proxy.pac
certutil: function failed: SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATABASE: security library: bad database.
certutil: function failed: SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATABASE: security library: bad database.
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:39:22] install root certificate failed, Please run as administrator/root/sudo

The requested URL /_gh/ was not found on this server.

INFO - [Feb 14 17:44:51] ssl good_ipaddrs=2, bad_ipaddrs=24, unknown_ipaddrs=0
INFO - [Feb 14 17:44:53] "GAE POST https://tiles.services.mozilla.com/v3/links/view HTTP/1.1" 404 281
INFO - [Feb 14 17:44:56] "STRIP CONNECT www.youtube.com:443 HTTP/1.1" - -
INFO - [Feb 14 17:44:56] "GAE GET https://www.youtube.com/ HTTP/1.1" 404 281
INFO - [Feb 14 17:44:57] ssl good_ipaddrs=2, bad_ipaddrs=24, unknown_ipaddrs=0
INFO - [Feb 14 17:44:59] "GAE GET https://www.youtube.com/favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 281
INFO - [Feb 14 17:44:59] "GAE GET https://www.youtube.com/favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 281
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:02] extend_iplist start for hosts=['www.google.com', 'mail.google.com', 'www.google.com.hk', 'www.google.com.tw', 'www.l.google.com', 'www2.l.google.com', 'www3.l.google.com', 'www4.l.google.com', 'www5.l.google.com', 'mail.l.google.com', 'googleapis.l.google.com', 'googlecode.l.googleusercontent.com', 'maps.l.google.com', 'code.l.google.com', 'cert-test.sandbox.google.com']
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:06] dnslib_resolve_over_udp remote host='code.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <DNS Header: id=0x6b2a type=QUERY opcode=QUERY flags=RD rcode='NOERROR' q=1 a=0 ns=0 ar=0>
<DNS Question: 'code.l.google.com.' qtype=A qclass=IN> from [''] failed
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:06] dnslib_resolve_over_udp remote host='mail.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <DNS Header: id=0x7142 type=QUERY opcode=QUERY flags=RD rcode='NOERROR' q=1 a=0 ns=0 ar=0>
<DNS Question: 'mail.l.google.com.' qtype=A qclass=IN> from [''] failed
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:06] dnslib_resolve_over_udp remote host='www3.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <DNS Header: id=0x5a92 type=QUERY opcode=QUERY flags=RD rcode='NOERROR' q=1 a=0 ns=0 ar=0>
<DNS Question: 'www3.l.google.com.' qtype=A qclass=IN> from [''] failed
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:06] dnslib_resolve_over_udp remote host='cert-test.sandbox.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <DNS Header: id=0x897d type=QUERY opcode=QUERY flags=RD rcode='NOERROR' q=1 a=0 ns=0 ar=0>
<DNS Question: 'cert-test.sandbox.google.com.' qtype=A qclass=IN> from [''] failed
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:06] dnslib_resolve_over_udp remote host='googlecode.l.googleusercontent.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <DNS Header: id=0x6be4 type=QUERY opcode=QUERY flags=RD rcode='NOERROR' q=1 a=0 ns=0 ar=0>
<DNS Question: 'googlecode.l.googleusercontent.com.' qtype=A qclass=IN> from [''] failed
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:06] dnslib_resolve_over_udp remote host='www.google.com.hk' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <DNS Header: id=0xc4c5 type=QUERY opcode=QUERY flags=RD rcode='NOERROR' q=1 a=0 ns=0 ar=0>
<DNS Question: 'www.google.com.hk.' qtype=A qclass=IN> from [''] failed
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:06] dnslib_resolve_over_udp remote host='googleapis.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <DNS Header: id=0x7eaf type=QUERY opcode=QUERY flags=RD rcode='NOERROR' q=1 a=0 ns=0 ar=0>
<DNS Question: 'googleapis.l.google.com.' qtype=A qclass=IN> from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:06] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'mail.google.com' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:06] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='mail.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'mail.google.com' from [''] failed
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:06] dnslib_resolve_over_udp remote host='www.google.com.tw' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <DNS Header: id=0x45d type=QUERY opcode=QUERY flags=RD rcode='NOERROR' q=1 a=0 ns=0 ar=0>
<DNS Question: 'www.google.com.tw.' qtype=A qclass=IN> from [''] failed
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:06] dnslib_resolve_over_udp remote host='maps.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <DNS Header: id=0x5bca type=QUERY opcode=QUERY flags=RD rcode='NOERROR' q=1 a=0 ns=0 ar=0>
<DNS Question: 'maps.l.google.com.' qtype=A qclass=IN> from [''] failed
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:06] dnslib_resolve_over_udp remote host='www4.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <DNS Header: id=0x8fa9 type=QUERY opcode=QUERY flags=RD rcode='NOERROR' q=1 a=0 ns=0 ar=0>
<DNS Question: 'www4.l.google.com.' qtype=A qclass=IN> from [''] failed
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:06] dnslib_resolve_over_udp remote host='www.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <DNS Header: id=0x84ac type=QUERY opcode=QUERY flags=RD rcode='NOERROR' q=1 a=0 ns=0 ar=0>
<DNS Question: 'www.google.com.' qtype=A qclass=IN> from [''] failed
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:06] dnslib_resolve_over_udp remote host='mail.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <DNS Header: id=0x6da2 type=QUERY opcode=QUERY flags=RD rcode='NOERROR' q=1 a=0 ns=0 ar=0>
<DNS Question: 'mail.google.com.' qtype=A qclass=IN> from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:06] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'mail.google.com' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:06] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='mail.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'mail.google.com' from [''] failed
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:06] dnslib_resolve_over_udp remote host='www2.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <DNS Header: id=0x880e type=QUERY opcode=QUERY flags=RD rcode='NOERROR' q=1 a=0 ns=0 ar=0>
<DNS Question: 'www2.l.google.com.' qtype=A qclass=IN> from [''] failed
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:07] dnslib_resolve_over_udp remote host='www.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <DNS Header: id=0x1615 type=QUERY opcode=QUERY flags=RD rcode='NOERROR' q=1 a=0 ns=0 ar=0>
<DNS Question: 'www.l.google.com.' qtype=A qclass=IN> from [''] failed
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:07] dnslib_resolve_over_udp remote host='www2.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <DNS Header: id=0x2a79 type=QUERY opcode=QUERY flags=RD rcode='NOERROR' q=1 a=0 ns=0 ar=0>
<DNS Question: 'www2.l.google.com.' qtype=A qclass=IN> from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:07] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'googlecode.l.googleusercontent.com' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:07] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='googlecode.l.googleusercontent.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'googlecode.l.googleusercontent.com' from [''] failed
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:07] dnslib_resolve_over_udp remote host='www5.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <DNS Header: id=0x34af type=QUERY opcode=QUERY flags=RD rcode='NOERROR' q=1 a=0 ns=0 ar=0>
<DNS Question: 'www5.l.google.com.' qtype=A qclass=IN> from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:07] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'code.l.google.com' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:07] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='code.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'code.l.google.com' from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:07] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'www.l.google.com' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:07] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='www.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'www.l.google.com' from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:10] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'www.google.com.hk' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:10] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='www.google.com.hk' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'www.google.com.hk' from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:11] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'googlecode.l.googleusercontent.com' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:11] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='googlecode.l.googleusercontent.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'googlecode.l.googleusercontent.com' from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:11] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'cert-test.sandbox.google.com' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:11] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='cert-test.sandbox.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'cert-test.sandbox.google.com' from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:11] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'www.google.com.hk' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:11] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='www.google.com.hk' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'www.google.com.hk' from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:11] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'www4.l.google.com' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:11] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='www4.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'www4.l.google.com' from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:11] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'www.google.com.tw' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:11] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='www.google.com.tw' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'www.google.com.tw' from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:11] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'code.l.google.com' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:11] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='code.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'code.l.google.com' from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:11] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'googleapis.l.google.com' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:11] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='googleapis.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'googleapis.l.google.com' from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:12] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'mail.l.google.com' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:12] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='mail.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'mail.l.google.com' from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:12] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'www3.l.google.com' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:12] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='www3.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'www3.l.google.com' from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:12] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'www.l.google.com' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:12] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='www.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'www.l.google.com' from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:12] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'www5.l.google.com' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:12] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='www5.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'www5.l.google.com' from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:12] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'www.google.com' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:12] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='www.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'www.google.com' from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:12] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'maps.l.google.com' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:12] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='maps.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'maps.l.google.com' from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:12] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'www2.l.google.com' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:12] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='www2.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'www2.l.google.com' from [''] failed
WARNING - [Feb 14 17:45:12] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp 'mail.google.com' with [''] return timeout('timed out',)
INFO - [Feb 14 17:45:12] dnslib_resolve_over_tcp remote host='mail.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo 'mail.google.com' from [''] failed

最近编辑记录 feileixj (2016-03-03 12:36:42)


#2 2016-02-14 17:53:13

注册时间: 2016-01-23
帖子: 41

Re: goagent问题[已解决]


最近编辑记录 feileixj (2016-02-14 18:00:00)


#3 2016-02-14 18:24:12

所在地: 山东省寿光县
注册时间: 2015-11-09
帖子: 111

Re: goagent问题[已解决]




#4 2016-02-14 20:49:18

所在地: a.k.a. 百合仙子
注册时间: 2011-08-21
帖子: 8,470

Re: goagent问题[已解决]

你使用的 Google IP 不支持提到的那个地址。建议寻找替代服务(总能找到免费能用的,比如有个「外贸浏览器」,你可以把里边的代理服务器抠出来用)。


#5 2016-03-03 11:55:13

注册时间: 2015-04-22
帖子: 15

Re: goagent问题[已解决]


