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发现托盘上的主音量控制静音后,再开就没有声音了。要用pavucontrol 取消静音后才能放出声音。
最近编辑记录 roadgo (2019-11-22 18:24:04)
Output stuck muted while Master is toggled
In setups with multiple outputs (e.g. 'Headphone' and 'Speaker') using plain amixer to toggle Master can trigger PulseAudio to mute the active output too, but it does not necessarily unmute it when Master is toggled back to be unmuted. [1] To resolve this, amixer must have the device flag set to 'pulse':
$ amixer -D pulse sset Master toggle
This will cause amixer to ask PulseAudio to do the toggling rather than toggling it directly. Because of this, PulseAudio will correctly unmute Master as well as any applicable output.
amixer -D pulse sset Master toggle
ALSA lib control.c:1375:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL pulse
amixer: Mixer attach pulse error: No such file or directory
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