因为想使用QT的设置透明度的函数,我安装了picom并开始使用。但是进入到fvwm后,桌面就是灰蒙蒙一片,将我设置的桌面完全盖住了(不透明),我想是picom的设置问题。但是看了下它的配置文件,不知道是哪些选项导致了这个结果,我猜是Bluring & background,但是修改一些选项后没有发现什么变化,还请大虾们帮助一下,谢谢!
经过在网上搜索,发现是fvwm-root使用的问题,用fvwm-root -r就可以了.查了下,-r的意思,如下.
--retain-pixmap | -r
Causes fvwm-root to retain and publish the Pixmap with which the background has been set (the
ESETROOT_PMAP_ID and _XROOTPMAP_ID properties are used). This is useful for applications which
want to use the root Pixmap on the background to simulate transparency (for example, Eterm and
Aterm use this method). This option should also be used for the RootTransparent colorset option,
refer to the COLORSETS section of fvwm(1). If this option is not used, fvwm-root sets the
_XSETROOT_ID property to None, and some programs, like fvwm modules, may use this to update
their background if the background is transparent (Transparent colorset).
Note, a well behaved program, like fvwm, should listen to both _XSETROOT_ID and _XROOTPMAP_ID
property changes and update itself correspondingly. However some programs listen only to one of
them, so you should either use this option or not depending on what part is implemented by these
programs. You should also use this option to get fast root-transparent menus in fvwm.