
#1 2023-05-01 12:26:04

注册时间: 2023-05-01
帖子: 1

Linux Kali 引导更新故障导致引导缺失 Linux Kali boot update failure results in miss


I broke the guidance of my kali physics machine..... To be precise, it should be the update worse, when updating, he popped up a dialog box... Q: What do I want grub for? said that it may not open after the update boot, I clicked "Yes" and then really can't open ..... I actually encountered it before that it was on an old computer, updated the boot he dried out the boot of Windows, replaced it with grub, so I rebuilt the boot record in PE, repaired it all normal, but I didn't expect that this own boot completely lost, completely unable to open, boot directly can not detect the system on this hard disk... So I jumped Windows directly to boot, and pressing the USB hotkey did not have the option of my hard disk (that is a fast hard disk, the SATA to USB adapter I use)

最近编辑记录 ZhangJiayang (2023-05-01 12:27:54)


#2 2023-05-02 22:23:18

注册时间: 2022-02-04
帖子: 138

Re: Linux Kali 引导更新故障导致引导缺失 Linux Kali boot update failure results in miss

如果我记得没错的话,用 pe 修复 window 的引导是会在 bios 里把 windows 引导程序放在第一位,而 windows  的引导程序并不会检测任何其他的系统,所以开机直接不检测这块硬盘,直接 windows 开机。

你可以尝试在你的电脑开机是时候进 bios,看看那里有没有另一块硬盘的另一个引导程序,并在 bios 手动选择它然后开机,祝你好运

ChatGPT 翻译如下:/ ChatGPT is translated as follows:

If I remember correctly, using PE to repair the Windows boot will place the Windows boot program first in the BIOS, and the Windows boot program will not detect any other system, so the computer will directly boot into Windows without checking that hard drive.

You can try entering the BIOS when your computer starts up to see if there is another boot program for another hard drive, and manually select it in the BIOS before booting up. Good luck for you.

